Searching for ways to look on the bright side? The Heart Challenge was something my son and I made up one sunny Saturday a handful of years back. We were spending some time outside when we looked up and saw a cloud in the shape of a heart. "A heart!" he called. We marveled at its perfection and as it turned out, it wasn't hard to find hearts all over our neighborhood. On a simple walk found: heart puddles, heart petals, heart pavers, hearts everywhere! We made it a daily challenge. I tell my students about it and they often bring me special heart shaped leaves and rocks from the playground. It's a nice reminder that love is everywhere. All you have to do is open your eyes and look around.
Heart shells found on the beach in Myrtle Beach
Heart pavers. Don't forget to look down!
Cute little bougainvillea petal
Ms. Kim, a 1st grade teacher at our school, sent this one to me. One of her son's picked it up in Tahoe and Ms. Kim kindly sent it my way! What a beauty!
A friend of mine in Washington DC sent this one to me. She said, "Ripped rag is getting in on the heart game." She's perfect.